Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Day 1

The garden tomb, held by some to be the burial place of Jesus, and at least an example of what a 1st century tomb would look like.

The Damascus Gate, the largest gate into the old city, at the end of the Nablus Road.

The Souks - a good place to get ripped off for tourist tat! The guide book said offer half what they first quote - we paid 25% and still got shafted! In future am offering 10%.

The Western Wall - all that remains of the 2nd Temple. Plastic garden chairs everywhere were a suprise.

The Dome of the Rock - closed to non-Muslims. Very definitely closed to non-Muslims. We are not Muslims. Very disappointed and slightly intimidated.

St Anne's Church, birthplace, apparently, of Our Lady. (They've done it up a bit since then). Also the site of the Pool of Bethesda, where Jesus healed someone according to John 5.

Ecce Homo Arch on the Via Delarosa, believed to be at or near the spot Pontius Pilate condemned Jesus to death.

And then back to the Addar Hotel. And collapse.

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